Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK

Families come in all different shapes and sizes. Even if children do not have the same smiles or eyes as their parents, they are still families. Anex makes parenting cool. That is why we support adoption as one of the greatest ways to become cool parents.   

Feyaza and Robert talked about adoption on their second date. Feyaza was born in South Africa and volunteered at an AIDS orphanage in her teenage years. Robert did a secondment with FIFA helping to use soccer to add to childrens’ lives in Africa. These experiences, among others, really cemented their decision to build their family on adoption.

Feyaza and Robert didn’t know what exactly attracted them to Demi and Destiny’s profiles because there was zero identifying information. Yet something made them want to know more about these girls. At first, it felt like Feyaza and Robert were looking after someone else’s children. It was a little strange to hear the words “Mommy” and “Daddy”.  But after meeting girls at their foster carers’ house, Feyaza and Robert were absolutely smitten and couldn’t wait to bring them home.  


Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK
Story of adoption from the UK

It’s really hard to imagine that this happy family overcame many challenges together. There was a time when Demi and Destiny couldn't sleep. They were stressed and woke up every hour,  sometimes with night terrors. There were difficulties with girls’ speech skills. They literally couldn't speak much. However, Feyaza and Robert followed therapeutic parenting, using PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) model that allows the parent and child to bond and also gives the child the security to feel safe. PACE parenting, along with LOTS of cuddles, has turned their children into thoughtful, kind and funny humans who are a joy to be around. 

Advice from Khan-Hillier Family:

“Every family has tough times and fun times. Be ready for the fact that the life you will give to your children will be above and beyond everything they have ever experienced. You will accompany them in the new world, guide them. Do not take this responsibility for granted”. 

Story of adoption from the UK

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