m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place
m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place

Our lives are turning into a race. Jump higher, work harder, make decisions faster. In this chaotic world we’re so busy doing that we really forget just being. This is not exactly what we want for the next generation.

Our children need a safe harbor. A cozy corner away from all of the alarms and noises, challenges and opinions. A hiding place to get lost and relax.   

m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place
m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place
m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place

Anex m/type Hide combines two things: safety and comfort zone. We used camouflage to blend the stroller with the surroundings and disguise its presence. Everyone deserves a chance to disappear. In our case, it also means living in the moment, detached from bothers of life.   

m/type Hide. Your Baby’s Hiding Place

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