Warranty With Love

Buying a stroller is like making a promise. It’s a promise of comfort and coziness for a child and of big help for parents. We want you to take your first faltering steps, learn your first words without worries. Be assured that the Anex stroller will support you in the best possible way.

From July 1, 2021, the e/type, m/type, l/type, and Quant models will come with a three-year warranty. You can activate it online from anywhere and forget about going to the store. Two years are provided from the moment of purchase, and the third one — after registration at the link. Do this within three months from the date when the stroller becomes a part of your family, and enjoy an additional warranty year.

The warranty period goes on hold during the maintenance service of your stroller. It resumes when the Anex returns to you. Check our Warranty page to know more nice details.     

While the child needs your love, Anex will take care of the rest.

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