Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type

Sometimes parenting is like a jump into space without a spacesuit. You will never be completely ready for this. And it’s okay, because have you seen predictable family life?

We haven’t, and that’s why Anex l/type was created.

Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type
Ready for life with Anex l/type

Its functionality makes this model the most practical among our collection.This stroller is comfortable for any season, it is designed for urban lifestyle and daily use. All 20+ features complement each other and work in a balance. Everything to make your strolls pleasant.

So, yeah, l/type is ready for life. And so will you. 

Ready for life with Anex l/type

Stay tuned with Anex